If this report hasn’t hit you in the feels already, it will now. Because this bit is visceral — at least, it was for us. We’re seeing post-narrative discomfort converging on fatigue, driving a feeling we can only describe as paralysis; it’s no wonder we’re hunkering down and slipping into nihilism. All of this is — almost painfully — relatable.

As you hear it from the voices of community members and respondents from around the globe, see it brought to life in absurdist memes and morbid TikToks, and confront the realities of life in this moment you just get it.

You get that things ~aren’t great~.

“I think the biggest challenge of our time, that undermines our collective efforts to create more equitable futures, is our decreasing ability to think and imagine long-term, beyond ourselves. I think the stories we tell ourselves, or have been told inaccurately about our pasts — our lands, histories, and people — are haunting our present and our abilities to think about our futures.”

— Tamika Abaka-Wood
(Expert Interview)

"Something I’ve been grappling with is how collectively we’ve all been experiencing burn out from working towards something that doesn’t exist. The goals and milestones that we were promised in exchange for our time are no longer achievable…”

— Leigh
(25, Hamilton)

The goals and milestones that we were promised in exchange for our time are no longer achievable…"


“I can't really process all the tragedies and different things that are going on in the world like I used to, if there's something going on in another country, for example, Ukraine, where there's a war and people are dying and the tragedy of it all I just, I can look at it for a minute, and I just have to turn it off. And I — I've never been that way…”

— Monique
(57, New Jersey)

“Living in a world out of sync feels like when you’re practicing a piece of music with a metronome, but you can never seem to line up with it. Or when you’re playing in a musical ensemble, but no one is keeping exactly the same beat. Once you become aware of it — which oftentimes you’re not — it feels dis-integrated, chaotic, disorienting, messy, and, sometimes, like you’re helplessly out of control. Sometimes you can get back in sync without putting the brakes on, other times it requires completely stopping to start together again.”

– Stuart Evans (RADAR Member)

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